A Time Capsule For My Future Self

June 8th, 2021 was the day that things changed.
June 8th, 2021 was a day that we dreamt BIG.

>>I have always wanted to build a business that is bigger than myself. A business that is built on a mission.<<

We have big dreams and ambitions at Social Curator, but we needed a cash injection for the development. 

A Time Capsule For My Future Self

Our business needs to grow, but the business I believe in needs to be built. *It’s like the chicken and the egg, friend.* 

The easiest option would be turning to investors. 

But we opted out of that route. *A group of people who get to make decisions for my company? No thank you.*

Instead, I want to build a business with a small group of people who believe that Social Curator could be something bigger by offering a Forever Plan.

For one hour only, on June 8th, 2021, we opened the doors to allow a one-time purchase for lifetime access of Social Curator.

It’s not something we have ever done before… or will ever do again.

  • It felt raw.
  • It felt vulnerable.
  • It felt nerve-racking.

But do you want to know what? It was absolutely incredible.

>>With only 300 plans available, we sold every. single. one.<<

To tell you that I feel so honored and grateful is the biggest understatement of the year.

It surpassed my wildest expectations.

So to those of you, myself included, who have champagne taste on a beer budget, I say this:

  • Great job taking what you have and making it work.
  • You are doing the best you can.
  • You don’t need to impress anybody.
  • Find a small group of people who are with you till the end.
  • Go out and change the world.
Free Mindset Makeover Workbook: How to make crucial mindset shifts to help you in business and in life

Friend, I want you to feel the fear and do it anyway. This world needs what you have to offer. If you are feeling stuck, I want to help you overcome those hurdles with my Mindset Makeover Workbook. You can download it >>HERE<< and get out of your own way today.