Wanna join my surprise party?

Today is my BIRTHDAY and the team decided to throw a little cyber surprise party, and you’re invited.

So this is how we’re gonna make it happen…

One: the last 12 months have been some of the hardest, most beautiful, and expansive, so can we talk about what I learned so you can avoid my mistakes and pitfalls?

Two: despite my best efforts I think the next 12 months will be some of the hardest, most beautiful, and expansive, so can we talk about what I plan to do to GROW, so we can do it together?

Three: I’m giving myself a $50,000 birthday gift. (No, that wasn’t a typo…nor is it a #humblebrag, so can we talk about it?)

All of this is happening TODAY on my podcast >>HERE<<…will you join the celebration?

Your Party Girl,
