Raise your hand if you’ve ever gone to create another IGTV video, blog post, podcast episode, newsletter or social media post and the well was empty.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
*raises hand*
>>Oh, buttercup, if you are building a business, it is not a matter of *IF* you will experience of a creative rut, but rather *WHEN* it will happen.<<
I have been there before and I know I will be there again in the future, but I am less afraid of the creative ruts for one main reason:
>>We experience God-given emotions to feel them all at 100%.<<
- We feel pain so that we fully enjoy the pleasure of joy.
- We go through anger so that we fully enjoy the pleasure of delight.
- We experience sadness so that we fully enjoy the pleasure of happiness.
Friend, being in a creative rut is a gift because when you get back in your zone of creating, you will be totally lit up and excited!
It is the universe giving you a gift to say, “Taste this now and don’t forget, because if you continue to show up it will get *really* good.”
The question is: Will you continue showing up?
Whenever I get into a creative rut, I continue showing up. But I discovered a trick to keep things interesting and show myself how good I really am. The trick is:
>>Get out of a creative rut by giving yourself creative challenges.<<
I can remember one instance a few years ago, when I had written over 2,000 blog posts on photography and truly did not think I had a SINGLE topic to write about that I hadn’t previously covered.
I was shooting a wedding with an African American groom in a black tuxedo, with a fair, blonde hair and blue eyed bride in dressed in a white dress.
*For any non-photographers reading–this is almost an IMPOSSIBLE lighting situation!*
Instead of running for the hills, dying my hair jet black, running away to Paris and from now on going by the name of Amelié, I embraced the challenge.
I figured out how to balance the light and go for an *epic* shot on the coast around noon.
Not because I necessarily HAD to…. But because I *wanted* a creative challenge.
Afterward, not only did my couple have an incredible experience with an amazing photo, but I had MORE content to serve my audience with.
*Problem solved!*
So friend, if you are in a creative rut, this is my advice to you: keep the content the same, but make it harder for yourself.