Boo boo, if you give me two minutes, I’ll give you my two cents on how to grow your audience.
- Do you have aspirations to become an influencer on a small or large scale?
- Are you dreaming of the days when you have the swipe up feature?
- Does the thought of having a verified sticker make you as giddy as a kid on Christmas morning?
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being an influencer, but I’ve noticed that so many people have the wrong mindset on how to get there.
Here’s where I flip the script: being an influencer is not about getting more people interested in you.
>>Your growth is directly proportional to how interested you are in your followers.<<
Your growth will explode when:
- You ask for less and give more.
- You give more than you take.
- You give engagement before you get it.
So how can you achieve this, Buttercup?
Show up EVERYDAY – Consistency is key.
Provide value – Give great advice, tell stories, be authentically YOU.
Connect with each follower – EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. *Yep, you read that right. I didn’t stutter!*
Respond to every single comment and DM – Take the time to give back to those that reached out to you. Keep the conversation going!
Send 20 DMs each day – Explore other accounts and reach out to them.

Search/connect with people using hashtags – Hashtags are like a gold mine. Dig it up, baby!
Create stories that drive engagement everyday – Use polls, quizzes, sliders, anything you can that makes it easy for your audience to communicate with you.
Provide opt-ins – Take things one step further for people who want to have more information.
My friend, I’ve given you my advice on how to become an influencer, but let me fill you in on a little secret:
>>Your current followers will help you reach influencer status if you pour into them.<<
Believe it or not, the tribe you already have standing in your corner is far more important than the potential followers you could get.
Start caring, giving, and finding ways to help. Give ‘em everything you got.
Make an impact on people’s lives. After all, isn’t that what being an influencer is all about?