Can I be totally honest? Sometimes I carefully choose my words so I don’t offend readers, but I just want to deal it to you straight, no shooter. Cool?
Often I’m asked how an entrepreneur can grow their _____________ (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.) platform. We all know the awesome contributions social media can play in business, but so often people feel like they're screaming into a void. Is anyone even paying attention? How can I be found in a sea of options? Why would anyone pay attention?
I get it. It can be overwhelming and frustrating. But let me share a pivotal piece of growing any social platform. And it’s groundbreaking. Are you ready?
NO ONE WANTS TO READ YOUR STUFF…if you first don’t find a way to help or add value to their lives first.
Here’s what I see the most: a business owner uses Facebook to share, “Look at the photos I took/the widget I made/I wrote new blog post/my product is on sale.” Or a business owner uses Instagram to share, “Look at the photos I took/the widget I made/I wrote new blog post/my product is on sale.” Or a business owner uses Snapchat to share, “Look at the photos I took/the widget I made/I wrote new blog post/my product is on sale.”
Do you see the pattern? Yeah, a commercial for your business. But what value are you offering your reader? How are you helping your reader? Basically, what do they get from the content you’re creating?
The trick to growing a following is to offer more value than just personal promotion.
- Instead of writing a blog post sharing more of your wedding photography, why not write a helpful blog post related to wedding photography?
- Instead of sharing a post on Facebook about your fitness training, why not share a helpful video showcasing exercises people can do on their own?
- Instead of using Snapchat to show your clothing boutique, why not post helpful tips how to style maxi dresses for summer travel?
When you freely give helpful and valuable information to followers, it helps build trust. And trust leads to support. And support leads to endorsements. And endorsements lead to sales.
You will grow your social platforms quicker and stronger when you find ways to position your business at the forefront of care, concern, and quality content. And this buttresses your entrepreneurial endeavors, boosts profitability, as well as grows your social platforms.
I can’t wait to see the helpful and valuable content you’ll produce soon!