I’m not usually a betting person, but today is an exception because I'm going to answer the number one question I get asked on social media and I bet my life savings that you can't guess what it is.
Are you ready? Here it is.
“What curling iron do you use?”
Yeah, that's it.
I'm a business and marketing strategist, a renowned photographer, CEO of a successful tech company with a top-rated business podcast, and my number one question has nothing to do with my business, but you want to know what?
I'm not complaining because engagement is engagement.
Comments, DMs, shares, and saves are all very valuable to my brand and my social media presence. I know that having conversations around my curling iron may not move the needle in my business today, but it builds trust to move the needle tomorrow.
Conversations like these lead to trust and then trust leads to sales. So when someone asks me what the barrel size of my curling iron is or what curling iron they should buy, I don't complain.
I am not going to sit and pout. I don't sit in a corner and say, “No one understands my purpose or what my business is about?”
Instead, I share my hair routine.
Ready for it?
- First, I use a one-and-a-half-inch sized barrel from a T3 curling iron.
- Then, I segment my hair into four equal sections, and then
- Spray each of those sections with Sexy Big Hair Spray (awkward to say, but it works!).
- Next, I curl my bangs.
- Once my hair is cooled, I comb through it with my fingers, to loosen the really tight ringlets, and then
- Lastly, I spray my hair again.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's get down to business.
When I answer people's questions (whether personal or business-related), what I’m really doing is building a connection with them on a personal level.
Want to know what happens next? It goes a little something like this…
Maybe the next time they see a post that Social Curator is open for enrollment or that I'm hosting a free masterclass… Maybe, just maybe, they register for that class or they start a subscription because we’ve had a conversation before and connected.
Relationships aren’t built on sleazy spam, they’re built on trust.
This is how I've built my business over the years: by fostering authentic connections around a bunch of different topics, not just business tips.
>>Cultivate conversations and connections before asking for the sale.<<
If you're reading this and you've ever felt bummed that the conversations you're having on social media have nothing to do with what you're selling, I want you to know that engagement (all forms) is really good.
What could this look like for you?
Perhaps it means your selfies, inspirational quotes, and smoothie recipes get the highest engagement, while your product or service-centered posts get fewer likes, comments, or shares.
If this feels similar to your situation, you’re doing better than you may think. The important thing is that you've created a community in which people know, like, and trust you enough to have a personal conversation with you, and that's what's going to help you go further in business.
>>Far before someone will trust a business enough to invest, they need to connect in a personal way.<<
And trust? Well, that is the most priceless business asset.
So this is your reminder: create content, respond to comments, respond to DMs, engage with conversations…because that is the foundation of getting sales on social media.
Building trust on social media takes a plan and consistency. Here’s a link to the plan you need: this Social Media Marketing Guide will help you create the kind of content that will build trust, engagement, and sales. You can download it >>HERE<< and start showing up on social media in a BIG way today.