reSTARt : A Photography Business Makeover

Last week was a doozy. The type of week that'll lodge in my mind as that one time I worked my way through 37 pints of ice cream. Yeah, one of those weeks. But today is Monday and a fresh start with great news. I'm incredibly excited to announce the students who'll receive a photography business makeover starting next January. I'm teaming up with creativeLIVE to walk photographers through the process of rebuilding their businesses, so if you'd like to join online for FREE, be sure to register here.

There were quite a few submissions and we spent days pouring over each video in hopes of finding the best fit. For everyone who entered, THANK YOU. Pouring out your heart and struggles is a difficult thing to do and I wish I could invite everyone to join me personally. I appreciate the time you spent investing in the future and I sincerely hope I see your beautiful faces online next month!

Without further ado, the students joining us in Seattle for a photography business makeover are…

If you're in the Seattle area for filming on January 9, 2013 and would like to be a part of our small studio audience (and our post-filming cocktail hour!!!), fill out THIS FORM and the producers will contact with with ticket information!

Hope to see you in January!