Take the Little You Have in Your Business and Make the Most of It


I grew up poor. Happy/blessed/whole…yet poor. But it made me everything I am today. And I couldn't be more thankful.

What I learned in childhood watching my parents make the most of what they had strengthens me as an entrepreneur.

I created this video to show a few things I've learned…as well lessons from others…and making a healthy salad! Ha!

This really just boils down to looking at the odds stacked against you and willing yourself to use your skills, talents, and beliefs to succeed.

Do other entrepreneurs have bigger houses, nicer cars, cuter dogs, smaller waists, fancy vacations, better gear, more talent, and a laundry pile that never stacks up?  Maybe.

But that has NOTHING to do with the notion that your business is perfectly suited for a litany of people who are looking for what you sell, in the exact way you sell it.

So, much like my dad's yard sale kitchen utensils, take what you have and make magic with it.