7 Ways To Talk About Your Business

What if I told you that you only need to know how to create 7 types of posts on social media in order to NEVER run out of things to say? 

Would you say I’m crazy, or would you believe me? Either way, you can start calling me your Social Media Fairy Godmother, because I’m about to do just that!

If you want to know exactly what to post on social media to market your business each day of the week, this post is for you!

I recommend coming up with 7 caption categories (1 for every day of the week) for your account. 

Ways to talk about your business

>>Caption Categories are an easy and effective way to talk about your business without selling your business.<< 

They help you demonstrate your expertise, and encourage your followers to know, like, and trust you.

Here are the 7 caption categories EVERY business owner should be posting on social media (regardless of your industry) to help you plan your content week over week.

  1. Behind the Scenes:

This invites your audience to see the “real life” behind your business. Pulling back the curtain allows your followers to imagine you working with them.

  1. My Why: 

By sharing your why, or the reason you're in your line of work, your audience feels connected to you. As Simon Sinek says, “People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

  1. Personal Insight: 

This is your chance to share tips and helpful advice with your audience. This insight is what helps set you apart from others in your industry because it's unique to your perspective!

  1. Encouragement:

This is your opportunity to spread the love and encourage your audience on a rainy day, Monday morning, or just because!

  1. About Me:

This is how you bring a personal side to your business! Share things about you/your team as individuals that you'd feel comfortable telling a stranger on a plane.

  1. Business Benefits:

This sells your business without sounding “sales-y.” Share the long-term, emotional, or unexpected benefits of your product or service and direct your followers to your website.

  1. Showcasing Your Product or Service:

This is where you will introduce your audience (new and old) to a product or service you offer. Get creative… Marketing is just repeating the same message in different ways!

Now here’s the kicker: I know that hearing about these caption categories and even taking notes about them is very different from actually using and implementing them in your business. 

I’m your Social Media Fairy Godmother, right? I want to live up to that very prestigious title, which is why I want to give you 7 Social Curator customizable Caption Templates – one corresponding to every caption category you just learned!

Free 7 Day Content Planner: Design your social media routine

In my free 7 Day Content Planner, you’ll learn how to plan a week's worth of social media posts in one sitting and you’ll receive the 7 caption templates designed to get people talking back to you. You’ll also learn how to choose visual topics, the type of social media content that best works for your business, as well as receive an interactive workbook to plan your next 7 days worth of content so you can finally get the likes, comments, and sales your business deserves!

If you’re ready to turn your followers into customers with a fool-proof system that allows you to post in 5 minutes or less per day, click >>HERE<< to download it for FREE now. Bippity-boppity-boo!