This Was So Embarrassing I Wanted to Quit

Have you ever done something in business that embarrassed you so much that you wanted to cancel before it even started? This happened to me last week.

I sat in the back of an Uber and sent him the following text:

I was excited to record a podcast with Lewis Howes, and booked a podcast studio in Los Angeles. When I arrived to the studio, this is what I saw:

In case you’re wondering, this was, in fact, the studio I booked…but the website showed different photos. It was too late to quit, it was too late to cancel.

When Lewis arrived, he was gracious. I apologized for the inconvenience, the appearance of the studio, and the wafting smell of fried tortillas that permeated from the next door taco shop.

I had to remind myself that things won’t always happen as I hope, that–despite my best efforts–there are things outside of my control, but how I choose to show up is what matters.

Not to sound cliche, but the sooner I stopped caring about the cards I was dealt, I focused on how I could play the hand.

And before this sounds like a Disney-fied version of the story, I won’t mention:

  • The next-door tenet who yelled in the hallway for us to stop recording
  • The mid-recording request for Lewis to move his car
  • The perilous stairs we had to descend into the basement to record

No, I won’t mention any of that because your girl ain’t petty. 😉

The next time things don’t go as planned, may we focus on how to play the hand, and worry less about the cards we’re dealt.

Your poker coach,
