How to Batch Your Video Content With My Stress-Free Planning System

You know what’s the BEST way to avoid overwhelm and stress around creating content for your social media, course, or newsletter?


Batching is when you group similar tasks together to complete them at the same time.

I set two or three days per month to create all of my video content… But let me tell you friend, these marathon recording sessions don’t happen without WEEKS of advanced planning.

*Yes, it’s true: when you have a plan to work smarter, you don’t have to work harder!*

>>On recording days, everything from scripts to outfit selections and b-roll is planned in advance so we can work efficiently.<<

It’s the best way to streamline our day and make sure we record 4-6 videos in just 6 hours! 

Here’s How to Plan Your Video Shoot Ahead of Time:

  1. First, my Creative Team and I find inspiration and begin scripting videos based on questions my audience has asked, an upcoming free class I want to promote, or new social media hacks or lessons I want to teach. 

To apply this step in your own business, I’d recommend starting with who your ideal customer is and what they need to hear right now!

  1. Next, we set up our film location. Recently, Mar, Ayesha, and I simply record in and around the lobby of my apartment building. *There’s great natural light!* 

Keep in mind that the location of your videos are very important because a busy, distracting background may take away from your content or even cause your viewer to scroll away.

  1. The third thing I do to prepare to batch video content is to gather all the props that visually represent my brand. While setting up, we typically have a few “sets” for each video with props at each one, often including my laptop, coffee cup, notebook, camera, phone, books, and more.
  1. The last step to preparing for your video shoot is to select and organize outfits for each video. Because you’re going to be filming multiple videos in one day that will all be shared at different times, I recommend wearing different outfits (or at least changing your top and accessories!) to showcase different aspects of your personality or business, and to make your videos look like they could have been filmed on different days.
  1. Finally, the fun begins: we start filming! With our scripts written, film location mapped out, props gathered, and outfits chosen, filming with my team is a breeze. 

We’re able to laugh, enjoy spending time with each other, and focus on creating the best content possible.

Want to see the results of a video batching day in my business?!

Check out the video below and scroll through my Instagram feed… Almost all of my videos are recorded in 2-3 days out of the month!

Looking for video ideas? Check out this post: 10 Live Video Ideas to Grow Your Business for inspiration!