So many experiences, so many events, so many conversations led up to this one presentation.
It was the best presentation I gave all year.
I don't say that lightly. I say it with humility because it was the first time collaborating with the Dave Ramsey Organization and Christy Wright’s Business Boutique.
Over 3,000 people gathered in Nashville for this event and it was humbling to stand on a stage, sticking my heels deeper into my Purpose.
What I said to the crowd was something I’ve spoken about time and time again:
>>My journey as an entrepreneur began back in 2006, when I decided to buy a camera and call myself a photographer.<<
Y’all know I must have been bad when back then, I couldn’t even get people from my church to let me photograph them for FREE.
Unable to shoot my way out of a dark alley, I turned to the thing I could afford (AKA Google), I took out my camera, and I did the work.
…Again and again and again.

So how was I able to go from a total hot mess to a six-figure business in twelve months?
I built a brand.
I shared my stories, my experiences, my dreams, anything and everything I could.
>>If you are not giving people things to talk about, then they won’t talk about you or your business.<<
For example, there was a particular light bulb moment that I experienced in 2006 when I realized that clients choose photographers, not photographs.
If people are talking to others about their brand experience with me and who I was as a person, not just as a photographer, then I knew I would be successful.
I used what little I had, and I showed who I was.
Now, I can confidently say that a seemingly impossible dream is absolutely possible.
>>You have the ability to make someone feel something. All you have to do is show up and do the work.<<
After my presentation was over, I realized how easy it was to stand in front of thousands of people when I speak about my experience and my passion.
This is my story.
For the rest of my life I will ask, beg, and implore business owners to share their stories.
These stories are the foundation of creating an unforgettable brand and fully within reach of EVERY entrepreneur.
Your story is waiting to be told. Are you ready and willing to tell it?