I recently had a conversation with my mentor, James Wedmore, and he said something so profound that I just had to share.
“We must make the conscious decision to reframe our situation. We can choose to believe we failed or we can choose to believe we learned a lesson.”
>>Friend, thinking of an experience as a failure is a choice.<<
*Listen: I know it sounds silly and, quite frankly, completely out of touch.*
But working with James over the years has taught me that we don’t have failures, we have lessons…especially as business owners.
Here are 3 personal business lessons I’ve made that I could have seen as failures, but I chose to look at as lessons:
- Don’t get in over your head.
Back in 2016, I had a dream to host a live event for entrepreneurs, complete with lessons, a workbook, and a champagne toast at the end.
Y’all, the investment we put into this event was over 6 figures and my husband, JD, and I were in SO over our heads.
The lesson: I don’t regret the experience because I learned that the first time I try something new, it doesn’t have to be perfect… it doesn’t even have to be good.

- Listen to others.
JD and I launched Social Curator in June of 2017 and after a successful promotional period, I told him not to tell me the numbers for the rest of the year. Then, in January of 2018, I received mind blowing news… that in 7 months, we did not gain a single new member because although people were coming in, we were losing members, too.
Those who were leaving told me they wanted a Facebook Group to connect with other members… and I didn’t listen for another 6 months.
The lesson: I learned to listen to my audience and to never put my desires above theirs.
- Set your priorities.
Let me be real with you right now: For many years in my business, I dated my computer more than I dated my husband.
The irony was that I was working so much because I wanted time to enjoy time off with my husband… But in order to do that, I wasn’t putting him first in the moment.
The lesson: I finally realized that if I’m not keeping my family my top priority, I have no parameters for my success.
I have made countless mistakes, dear friend. I’m not going to lie to you.
>>But one failure doesn’t set you back. It’s your inability to stand up again that does.<<
So, how do you get back up after experiencing failure? You learn the lesson it was meant to teach you.

If you’re looking for a Community to help you get back up and turn your failures into success, Social Curator has your back, Buttercup. This is your personal invitation from my heart to yours to >>join Social Curator<< and allow this Community to show you that you are not a failure… your success is a foregone conclusion.