It happened unexpectedly. While he was instructing a posture, I noticed how he shifted his feet. It was subtle, but it allowed his toes to fully extend to his yoga mat.
My first thought: I can’t do that.
My second thought: I want to try that.
My third thought: I AM DOING THAT!!?!
This letter isn’t about my yoga practice, a particular posture, or even about my instructor. This is about possibility.
This is a reminder—to myself—that as the New Year approaches, I need to surround myself with people who, quite literally, show me what’s possible.
Growth. Strategies. Postures. Ideas.
I am craving a cosmic shift, daring it to descend on my soul, but I know I need to be around people who carve pathways to outsized possibilities, too.
I can see myself sitting in rooms thinking to myself similarly as I did this morning…
My first thought: I can’t do that.
My second thought: I want to try that.
My third thought: I AM DOING THAT!!?!
But this leads me to the sticky question of HOW. How do I get into a room like that, with those people?
No idea.
I hate admitting that, but I won’t stop looking for it.

So here’s a current breakdown of 2024 self-development and masterminds I plan to participate in:
- Peer-to-peer invite-only mastermind (event expense fees) – 25 people will gather together to share ideas, goals, and ask for specific strategies for achieving them.
- Executive cohort accountability (admission fees + event expense fees) – 10 tech CEOs virtually gather for two hours every month for flash fire Q&A, and one business tear down, we also meet once a year for an in-person event.
- Female invite-only mastermind (event expense fees) – 8 women gather to discuss personal brand and media strategies for expansion and purpose.
- Mentor – I meet every week for one hour with a brilliant, push-you-in-uncomfortable-ways, demanding mentor. She’s an ace in my pocket…one day I’ll look back and cite her as the single most pivotal person in my professional life at this time.
So how will I find (or cultivate) groups of new possibilities? Here’s three action items I’m taking into next year:
- Engage online daily with people I want to be in the room with.
- Share ideas/insights or make connections with people I want to be in the room with.
- Invest in or help promote charities with people I want to be in the room with.
Like always, this is an experiment in growth. I’m sharing it so you, too, can experiment with growth and expand into new possibilities.
Speaking of which, I experimented with making an >>AUDIO DIARY<< on my podcast today! In it, I catalogued of week of “flops” in business…it’s real, ugly, and totally the truth of what life looks like as an entrepreneur.
All about possibility,