Have you ever completed a big project and thought… I want to capture what I learned so I can make it better next time… but HOW?
Enter the Post-Project Assessment Framework.
What is that, you ask?
This framework is something I use every time I finish a big project – it helps me to capture what I learned and provides me with key takeaways for next time.
In this episode, I’ll walk you through HOW to use the Post-Project Framework, and then I’ll turn the tables on myself and use it in real-time to candidly assess the results of my very first mastermind.
(Speaking of which – did you hear I opened the doors to my next mastermind? Check out all the details >>HERE<<… doors close Monday, July 31!)
Press >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and….
[00:00:39] My Post-Project Assessment Framework and the four questions to assess the outcome, wins, lessons, and obstacles of a project.
[00:03:58] The mindset of feeling behind in business and how everyone starts at the same point when starting a new project.
[00:06:41] Stories from members of my first 2023 mastermind, including one member who built an online course and another who mapped out an entire product suite in six months.
[00:25:36] The importance of curating a diverse and complementary group, identifying patterns, and being open to feedback for improvement.
[00:27:17] The value of an environment where candid feedback is encouraged and how it helps in personal growth.
[00:28:24] Details about the process and timeline for launching the mastermind program, including application deadlines and in-person interviews.
[00:29:37] The potential for significant business transformation within a short period of time
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