Do you ever want to give up and quit?
Crithicca, co-host of the Motiversity podcast, recently asked me this question.
My response was instantaneous:
“Every single week.”
You see, every single week I have my fair share of doubts… the nights of questioning what the heck I’m even doing.
But here’s what I’ve learned: the doubt and the challenges don’t go away… we just get more resilient the longer we keep going.
It’s like going to the gym, right? The weights don’t get lighter, we just get stronger.
When I was asked by Joel (founder, CEO, and the other co-host of the Motiversity podcast) what I thought led to my success in business, I told him that I believed it was a combination of two main things.
First, building trust through years of freely serving my audience, and second, the promise, value, and timing of my offer (Social Curator).

But success rarely comes from just one or two things… it also comes from things like learning to overcome the fear of rejection, knowing which questions to ask to get results, and staying disciplined with daily habits in order to maximize productivity.
Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and:
[00:00:56] My personal story–and how being a daughter of an immigrant, dropping out of law school, and my mother's illness shaped me into who I am today.
[00:02:24] Why I decided to become a photographer and how I started my own business.
[00:03:30] How I transitioned from being a photographer to becoming a consultant and creating online courses.
[00:08:30] The moments that motivated me to pursue my dreams despite feeling unqualified.
[00:09:36] The difficulties I faced in launching Social Curator.
[00:13:45] My mission to build a profitable business while empowering others and what keeps me going.
[00:17:24] The growth of the creator economy and how Social Curator helps people get started with marketing their business on social media.
[00:18:21] The narrative that holds us back from starting a business or pursuing other goals.
[00:20:41] My personal journey of overcoming doubt and taking small steps toward empowerment in my photography career.
[00:26:40] The mindset I had in my 20s and how I wished I had taken more risks and been unattached to the outcome.
[00:29:46] The advice I received from a photographer about taking risks and jumping in, even when there is no net.
[00:31:36] The importance of falling and getting back up as an entrepreneur and how failure is a normal part of the process.
[00:36:32] The significance of identifying and targeting a specific audience for effective marketing and business growth.
[00:38:14] The importance of asking for help and overcoming the fear of rejection or not knowing what questions to ask.
[00:41:10] What my morning ritual looks like.
[00:43:08] My goal for 2023, and how I want to create content that I wish I had when I was at a certain point in my career.
[00:44:14] How my husband inspires me with his intentional approach to success and his ability to find success in any situation.
[00:46:00] My recent mantra, “What is meant for me will find me,” and how it helps me stay focused and positive in my entrepreneurial journey.
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!