Building a Growth-Oriented Team with Leila Hormozi

Ever wonder what it's like to build a team that's as passionate about growth as you are?

These are the kind of people who don't just clock in for a paycheck; they're invested in the journey and ready to make a difference.

Lemme tell ya, those team members are out there. It just might take some extra effort to find them.

In this episode, Leila opens up about the process of hiring, building, and leading such a passionate team, especially when faced with challenges.

Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and…

(00:00:41) How to find employees that are hardwired for growth.

(00:03:32) How being transparent online helped Leila find the best candidates who get excited about challenges.

(00:06:08) The process of leading a team through tough times, including transparency, setting expectations, and compensating employees.

(00:10:32) How to find people who are the right fit for your company.

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