A few weeks ago, our family went to Las Vegas, Nevada because it’s the city where my husband and I met our daughter, Luna Sol, for the first time.
Every year since, we stay in the same hotel, eat at the same restaurant, reflect on the best day of our lives and have open conversations about her adoption.
Now here’s the thing: Vegas has always been a special place for me, because it’s where my grandmother lived. Though it’s been 20 years since her passing, she remains my best friend to this day.
So, fast-forward to February 2022. As I walked through Caesar’s Palace with my daughter, I had a distinct memory of my grandmother from when I was a little girl.
I turned to JD and asked, “Do you think we knew how special the moments with grandma were?”

>>I felt like every moment with her was a golden nugget, and I suddenly realized that though we had the golden nuggets, but we didn’t know their value until after they were gone.<<
And THAT, my friend, is what this off-the-cuff, tear-filled, somewhat awkward podcast episode is all about. Click play >>HERE!<<