If you’d like to make money in the NFT space, you’ll have to sell them eventually.
>>NFT purchases can 10x or even 100x in value! So why wouldn’t you want to cash in on that kind of growth?<<
That being said, this episode is the 4th part of our Crypto Curious series, and it covers how and when to sell an NFT, and we also answer listener questions such as what an “airdrop” and “delayed reveal” is.

In summation, here’s how to sell an NFT:
- To sell an NFT, go to an NFT marketplace (like OpenSea). Once you login to your account, you will see all the NFTs you own.
- Simply click the NFT you want to sell and hit the big blue “Sell” button.
- You can choose whether you want to conduct an auction where people can bid for your NFT, or sell it at a fixed price.
- A new window will pop open from Metamask. It will ask you to confirm the transaction and pay the gas fee to list it for sale on OpenSea.
- Finally, your NFT is for sale!
Overall, follow Warren Buffet’s advice: “Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.”
Ready to get into the nitty gritty and enjoy mine and Daniel’s playful banter and competitive bets? Click play >>HERE!<<
Taking notes? The Gartner Hype Cycle graph Daniel refers to during this episode is below!

If you’d like a space to take notes, a step-by-step roadmap to buy and sell your first NFT, download our free NFT Checklist! It will educate you on cryptocurrency and NFTs, as well as help you make an informed decision on the place these digital assets will have in the next iteration of your business. Click >>HERE<< to download it now, and start buying and selling NFTs like a pro!