In this episode we’re welcoming Jess Lively, an incredible woman and friend of mine, back onto the podcast.
Just a few weeks ago on a previous episode of the podcast, she taught us about how to use our inner voice to make intuition-led business decisions, and the best ways to tap into our subconscious and use it to guide us in life and business. You can listen to the first episode >>HERE.<<
After we finished recording, Jess offered to come back onto the Jasmine Star Show and give me an “Inner Voice Session.”
>>Inner Voice Sessions allow you to live as your inner voice and receive deep inner guidance on all aspects of your life in a single session.<<
Of course, Jess explains the process in more detail during our conversation, but basically: it’s an opportunity for me to open up and allow myself to be vulnerable as she walks me through how to listen to my intuition and, most importantly, so YOU can learn how to do this yourself.
This was an extremely powerful session in which I released my money story and I can’t wait for you to hear it. So without further ado, click play >>HERE!<<
If you enjoyed this episode, join FREE Living Room Inner Voice Sessions through Jess’s foundation >>HERE.<< Or, you can invest in a private Inner Voice Facilitator >>HERE.<<
I can’t wait to see how this work transforms your life just as it has mine!
Jess Lively
Jess Lively is a wonderfully creative, incredibly intuitive, and free-flowing spirit who helps people experience more joy, fulfillment, and presence through the power of their subconscious. She has spent 13 years exploring the topic of consciousness, inner voice, and what it means to live a deeply fulfilling life through her online classes and podcast, The Lively Show, which has over 300 episodes and accumulated over 14 million downloads since its inception in 2014. Most recently, she founded the Inner Voice Facilitator Training program and has trained Inner Voice Facilitators worldwide to help their clients connect to their own intuition on a deeper level than ever before.