I’ve been in business for a while now, and if there is one thing I’ve learned it’s that everything in life and business is a choice.
Of course, things happen that are outside of your control boo boo – but you have a choice in those moments.
Yes, emotions are real and should be acknowledged – but I believe you have a choice about the role they play in your decisions and your actions.
>>Friend, I’ve had moments where I’ve felt misunderstood and alone and moments where I felt like what I was doing didn’t matter.<<
But when I let that go and let myself be as open and honest as I could, I found that I wasn’t alone.

I didn't know back then, but I was choosing to feel alone. I was choosing to feel misunderstood. I was choosing to believe that I was the only person who had difficulties with my particular struggles.
>>It all was a CHOICE.<<
And here’s the thing – our choices affect our success. They affect the way we show up in the world. They affect everything in our lives and in our businesses.
You can choose to feel misunderstood… You can choose to hide… You can choose to throw in the towel on your dream.
- You can choose to believe your work will pay off.
- You can choose to believe that your efforts are not in vain.
- You can choose to have faith that you are right where you are meant to be.
- You can choose to invite others into your story.
>> The biggest choice though, is to decide to succeed.<<
And not only do you get to decide to succeed, you get to decide what success looks like.
Success doesn’t have to be a certain number of followers or dollars in your bank account. It can literally be whatever you want it to be.
>>It might look like tacos on Tuesday AND Wednesday… I’m just saying, dream big, Buttercup!<<
So here we go, we are on this journey of choosing success together; passionately and boldly choosing us, choosing our dreams, and choosing to crush every goal and obstacle in front of us.
The more we collectively highlight the truth of our journey, the easier the choosing becomes. If you’re ready to take that step click >>HERE<< to listen in as I share ALLLLLL the thoughts on choosing your success in this week’s podcast episode.
You can find me on social media @jasminestar, or we can remain audio buddies. *I don’t want to make things too awkward!*