There was a time in my business when I felt like nobody was listening.
I felt like I was saying the same things over and over again on social media, and was worried that if I niched down, made a business offer, or if I had a product or service intended for one person, it wouldn’t be enough to drive my business sales.
Since then, I’ve learned it's not enough to build the business that you want.
Pat Flynn (Founder of SmartPassiveIncome & SwitchPod) once told me, “Riches are in niches,” and he couldn’t be more right.
Let’s dig a little deeper into what this means for you…
>>If you speak to everyone, you’re actually speaking to no one.<<
That’s why I tell every business owner (yes, you too!) to identify their Ideal Client, and speak specifically to them… and that might even include references to Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre!
Want to learn more about how to speak to your Ideal Client on social media? Click play on this replay of a Facebook Live session I hosted >>HERE!<<
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