Serving Your Audience: What No One Talks About

“Serve, serve, serve.”

“Serve before you sell.”

“Just give value.”

Sound familiar? 

We hear a lot about WHY we need to give value, but when it comes to the HOW – the only thing really taught is to post educational content (totally fine by the way!) 

But in a world where information is SO easily accessible, you must lean into the other ways to serve your audience as well. 

Not sure where to start? I got you, friend.

In this episode, I’m giving you four specific strategies so you can serve your audience well and build a community of people who can’t get enough of you. 

Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and…

[00:01:14] The “Backfire Effect” and how over-delivering information can backfire.

[00:02:15] How to research your ideal client’s habits and preferences to serve them well.

[00:08:05] Ways to facilitate mindset shifts in your audience to make them crave more of you.

[00:09:11] The importance of building a community just for people seeking similar solutions.

[00:11:13] How creating personalized resources makes you unforgettable (and how to do it!).

[00:16:03] Ways you can create meaningful relationships with your audience and make them feel significant and valued.

[00:19:13] One simple thing that makes your audience feel TRULY connected to you.

Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!

Wanna take serving your audience a step further? After you listen to this episode, click play on: “How to Create More Meaningful Relationships in Business”.


When Corrections Fail: The persistence of political misperceptions, Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, 

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