Picture this…
You’re having lunch with Oprah at her house (yes, you read that right!) and when you leave, you hug each other, and she gives you her phone number, encouraging you to call her sometime…
But you don’t.
Why on God’s green earth not, you ask?
Because you don’t feel worthy enough to be Oprah’s friend and colleague. (Y’all I couldn’t make this scenario up if I tried…)
This is exactly what happened to my dear friend Jamie Kern Lima, co-founder of IT Cosmetics (which she sold to L'Oréal for 1.2 BILLION dollars) and author of “Worthy”.
In this episode, you’ll learn the difference between self-confidence and self-worth, how low self-worth can disguise itself, and how to raise your self-worth to find more success, happiness, and fulfillment in life and business.
Click >>PLAY<< to hear all of this and…
(00:00:14) What worthiness truly is and and its impact on business, mindset, and personal growth.
(00:02:11) The difference between self-worth and self-confidence and the importance of self-worth as the key to success.
(00:04:04) How worthiness disguises itself, affecting people even if they believe they are confident and successful.
(00:14:51) How low self-worth can keep you stuck and sabotaging opportunities.
(00:17:29) Jamie's personal experience of doubting herself out of opportunities .
(00:22:20) How to transform your relationship with rejection and failure to avoid doubting yourself out of destiny.
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!
Jamie is donating 100% of her author proceeds for both WORTHY and Believe IT. Pre-Order WORTHY now to get FREE bonuses, including early access to the book and an invite to join Jamie’s VIP Inside Book Launch team JamieKernLima.com and WorthyBook.com.

Jamie Kern Lima
Jamie Kern Lima is author of the upcoming book WORTHY: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life, New York Times bestselling author of Believe IT, guest teacher of the Life You Want class live with Oprah Winfrey, and Founder of IT Cosmetics, a company she started in her living room and grew to the largest luxury makeup brand in the country. She sold the company to L’Oréal in a billion-dollar deal and became the first female CEO of a brand in its 100+ year history. Her love of her customers and remarkable authenticity and belief eventually landed her on the Forbes America's Richest Self-Made Women list.