How To Build A Successful Business Without Money, Resources, Talent, or Connections

Have you been telling yourself the lie that you need to have money, resources, talent or connections to run a successful business?

Boo I want you to throw that mindset right out the window and never look back. In fact, I want you to reverse that car and run over it a few times just to make sure you completely get rid of it!   

If you are wanting to get your business off the ground and stop making excuses then I want to invite you into this story… 

>>Hop into my time machine with me as we head back to 2006. *Can you believe that was 14 years ago?!

I wish I could go back to 2006 and give young, bright-eyed Jasmine as she stood in line at City Hall to get her very first business license this simple message: you're going to be okay. 

I would tell her that your dreams are bigger than you think, and don't worry, you'll always pull through.

Thinking about it now, that’s the same advice I’d like to give the Jasmine of today and the same advice I will give myself in 15 years. 

As a girl from the hood, I didn't grow up watching people build businesses. I didn't grow up actually thinking that entrepreneurship was a path in life that I could take. I lived in so much self doubt and created this lie that I had to have the money, resources, talent or connections to make my way in life. 

The thing I had to learn was that: 

>>I just had to start with who I was, and with where I was at, and with what I had.<<

I started taking simple actions and building habits from that mindset that radically transformed the way I approached my business and my life. 

Click play >>HERE<< to continue learning about the habits I built early on as a business owner and still maintain to this day.

I want you to truly embrace the fact that:

>>Because success comes to those who wait to those who hustle to those who remain undaunted.<<

Successful entrepreneurs are deaf to the haters. They have failed more times than they can count and yet they hold onto their hope for the future.

You, sweet friend, you will succeed not because you're the smartest, the prettiest, the most talented, the most connected, or the funniest, because I wasn't any of those things. You will succeed if you decide to get back up and try again. 

If you would like to check out the free branding bundle I mention in this episode, click >>HERE!<< It’s everything you need to quickly jump-start your brand-building with ease, including resources on Your Dream Customer Profile, The Fastest Way to Find Dream Clients Guide, and a Copywriting Workbook to Attract Dream Customers.

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