One of my favorite things about Social Media is that not a single account is the same. Our profiles are all unique because they are our opportunity to showcase us and our passions!
>>The best thing about social media marketing is that you have control of what you put out and the experience you give to your followers.<<
So boo, how are you showing up and using it?
Oftentimes we make excuses to avoid writing e captions, put off going live until we are confident, or waiting to post until our business looks a certain way.
But Buttercup, you don't get confident until you do it! When you say, you want to show up authentically, then show up authentically and don't overthink it.
>>Just do it and be unapologetic.<<
Friend, remember when you learned to talk, when you first rode that Barbie bike, or when you first got in the driver's seat? That was hard, but the more you did it, the better you got.
You feeling inspired yet? No? Okay well for those of you wanting to dive a little deeper, Click >>HERE<< to listen to my Q&A from the Thrivers Society.
I’m going to answer questions on:
- How to be an educator and authority in your area
- What to focus on if you’re not looking to grow your clientele
- Ways to set your instagram stories apart
- Tips to getting over the nerves going live
- How to connect your photos with captions
I’m so excited for you to one day look back on these moments and realize the things you thought were impossible for you, actually happened and far exceeded your dreams!
I love being on this journey with you and would love to know how to continue to serve you. Leave a podcast review on iTunes so we can continue growing together!