Let me ask you friend… how good are you at setting goals?
If you’re anything like me, sometimes it’s hard to set goals and let yourself dream because you are afraid of being heartbroken.
- What if I don’t meet my goals?
- What will people think of me?
There’s a level of vulnerability when you speak them into existence. But boo boo that’s what I want to tackle with you right now with some simple tips and a mindset change!
I am going to be an unashamed guest-repeater right now and bring back one of my favorite people ever, Cathy Heller! We have a beautifully raw conversation about goals on her podcast Don’t Keep Your Day Job and I *had* to share it with you.
In 2020, are you willing to stand alone?
Are you willing to do things that other people are not willing to do? And are you willing to give yourself the ability to dream without being attached to the outcome?
>>Success is the decisions that we made and the behaviors that we embodied to get where we are.<<
So let’s work on changing your mindset and finding your strength to dream no matter what the outcome is on my episode >>HERE<<.
Your success is a foregone conclusion, Buttercup. This is YOUR year. Say that loud and proud with me. Say it so many times that it becomes your mantra of your truth.
There are millions of reasons why you could talk yourself out of pursuing your big scary dream, but you won't. You won't let another year pass without taking life by the horns and saying, “I'm ready, and I'm not backing down.”
If you're feeling inspired by this conversation, shout us out on Instagram @Jasmine Star & @Cathy.Heller so we can cheer you on!