I gotta admit: I was nervous to record this episode. So nervous that I actually delayed recording this for two days. My mouth felt pasty as I talked. But I knew I needed to speak my truth and share with you how to NOT get business. So if you’re ready to learn from my mistakes and save yourself a little time, heartache, pain, and resentment, click >>PLAY<< now to hear:
- [02:32] What prompted me to record this episode
- [04:04] How I felt when I was second shooting a wedding and the photographer asked me to hand out her business cards
- [05:41] The very important lesson I learned about reputation and trust
- [08:53] My guiding rule when deciding to work with someone (hint: how they treat others is likely the way they will treat you)
- [13:29] The importance of clearly stating your terms and never apologizing for them
- [14:32] Why I believe your work ethic and ability will be the things that set you apart
Click >>PLAY<< to listen now!