Have you hopped on the hashtag train or are you still sitting at the train station too scared to get aboard?
I get it friend, hashtags are a beast to conquer. You don’t know which ones to use, how many to throw on a post, and in the end wonder if they even do anything.
But guess what Buttercup: you can’t sit on the side of the tracks forever, because Instagram *wants* you using hashtags and using them is one of the best ways to get discovered!
Want to hear a crazy statistic? An instagram post gets 12.6% more engagement if there’s at least one hashtag on it.
>>Simply put: if you want more Instagram followers, comments and likes, using hashtags are the best way to make it happen… faster.<<
This is where things get a little tricky. How do you know which hashtags to use?

Boo, resist the temptation to think there's a perfect way to find your hashtags. There's not. You simply have to test and be thoughtful about which you choose!
But if you want to hear my strategies for mixing and testing hashtags that are the right blend for your business, click play >>HERE!<<
I like to think of this as my hashtag cocktail. A cocktail connoisseur will tell you there are three elements to a delicious drink:
- The basics or ice.
- The wow factor or your alcohol of choice.
- The presentation or your herb leaves, lime wedge, olive etc.
*Am I making you thirsty yet?*

I can’t wait to work with you on identifying the basics, the wow factor and the presentation of your hashtags. And if you’re looking for additional resources check out my Hashtag Strategy Guide by clicking >>HERE<< so you can get savvy and get discovered on the ‘gram.