What I’ve Learned Filming My First 20 TikToks

Friend, are you ready for a mind-blowing knock-your-socks-off statistic about TikTok?

According to a recent article by Influencer Marketing Hub, there is an estimated 800 MILLION active users on TikTok and it is one of the most downloaded social media platforms of the year.

When you hear that there’s 800 million users, do you immediately think about how likely it is that your ideal client is hanging out on TikTok? *You should!*

>>TikTok is NOT just for Gen Z, but it is great for businesses in all industries and with ideal clients of all ages.<<

You might remember when Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram first came out and many people thought they were ‘fads’ that only attracted a younger generation, but sure enough here we are 5, 10, or 15 years later and they have become an integral part of our society across generations. 

TikTok is NOT a fad, it’s simply a newer platform, which actually means you have a greater probability of reaching your ideal client if you’re open to dancing…

*Just kidding! Although your audience will totally love you for it.*

In today’s episode, I’m going to outline the top 3 things the content team and I have learned from publishing our first 20 TikToks this summer, including:

  1. The editing capabilities are vastly different from any other social media platform *to prove my point, get a behind the scenes look at the creation of my first TikTok in >>THIS video!<<*
  2. TikTok is a GREAT creative outlet to try new things and get uncomfortable *like I said, you don’t HAVE to dance… but it definitely helps you get discovered!*
  3. There is MUCH greater reach there than other social media platforms *I’m talking 10 TIMES the amount of likes, in my experience!*

Y’all, this episode is jam-packed with lessons, staggering statistics, and fun anecdotes from our experiences filming. If you can’t wait to get out of your comfort zone and dive in to one of the fastest growing social media platforms, click play >>HERE!<<

As always, I welcome you along my business journey in real-time and share things that I hope will help you in yours. Speaking of helping you on your business journey…

In just a few weeks, I’m going to be hosting a LIVE class I’m sure you’ll love on How to Plan, Organize, and Execute a Month of Content in One Day. I only spend ONE DAY per month creating social media content for the entire month because I think that stressing about what to post on social media is CRAZY. That’s why I want to share my exact social media strategy with you that lets me spend a little time on one day to save a lot MORE time the rest of my month! Register for this free online class walking you through How to Plan, Create, and Execute a Month of Social Media Posts in One Day >>HERE<< and let’s get productive, friend!

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